Back in XinAn!

Friends and family hello!

So here’s another surprise! I only got to stay in my new area of Danshui for 5 days! Just minutes after I sent my weekly email out, we got news that I was being transferred back to central Taibei. Sister Nielsen and I were so sad when we found out we weren’t staying together for another transfer BUT we both have amazing new companions and I am so happy to be back in XinAn where I served in February- it felt like coming home! I was only able to be here for 6 weeks the time before, so I am grateful the Lord has given me the another opportunity to love and strengthen the people here. My work is not finished! and I honestly have never seen so many miracles as I have these last two weeks- can’t wait to share them with you all.

My first day back we met Pei Xuan! She first met missionaries in Australia, when she was living there to improve her English. After she moved back to Taiwan, she somehow lost contact with the missionaries and stopped taking the lessons. Then on one Sunday, she was on the MRT and saw a man wearing a white shirt and a tie. Assuming he was going to church, she followed him to our chapel! She took it was a sign that God wanted her back at church 🙂 and despite feeling like she’s not yet ready, she thinks that Heavenly Father wants her to get baptized in July. Woohooo! This is perfect timing for her because she is headed to England for school in August. We know that having the Holy Ghost as her constant companion will be so great for her as she takes on these new challenges. One of the coolest things was seeing her go up during Relief Society to share her thoughts on faith. As she was talking, tears started rolling down her cheeks. She was so confused and apologized for crying- “This has never happened to me before!” All of the relief society sisters told her not to worry, she was just feeling the Spirit! It was so neat to be a part of that moment. We are praying that she is able to overcome the last of her challenges so she can reach her baptismal date.

And then there is Sloan! So it was 9:25 at night just before we were about to head home and one of the assistants called us about a girl who was at the chapel. We raced over and met Sloan! She is one of the most prepared people I have EVER met. She walked into the church by herself because she said that she just really needed somebody to talk to and wanted to know if God was there. She’d been feeling in the dark recently and she kept saying, “You two look so happy! How is that possible?” As she was asking us all of these questions I said, “Sloan this is just so perfect because I think Sister Williams and I have all of the answers.” Her face just lit up and she said, “Really?!! Wow thank you so much.” I promised her that as she learned about Jesus Christ and applied His teachings, the guilt she felt would be swept away. She said, “Wow I really need that!” We learned later that she actually doesn’t live in our area, so we passed her off to the other sisters here. They were so excited to get such a golden investigator 🙂 They told us yesterday that she will be getting baptized in the next 1-2 weeks! So crazy!!!

The last one, because I’m running out of time, is Jia Ying! She is a member referral from another part of Taibei. She and her member friends met with us and she said that she has always admired the warm happy feeling in the family’s home. She is such a cute girl and is so open to sharing her thoughts with us. She thought a new start could help her be a better person, so she set a baptismal date for August. She is bursting with so much faith already! She has been coming to church every week and is already great friends with the YSA in the ward. She and Ling Fang, a member we we introduced her to, went out for mango shaved ice together after our lesson without us even knowing haha. Friendships are the best and are so important for these investigators.

We also had a fun meet and greet with our new mission President and his wife- President and Sister Peterson. He said that when he was served here 20+ years ago, there were only 4 chapels in all of Taiwan. I couldn’t believe it! He told us that the prophet and apostles have a huge vision for this area because these recent converts in Taiwan will serve and take care of China when it opens up for missionary work. Hearing this reminded me of the scripture in 2 Nephi 2: 6-8, “Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth. Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered. Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise.”

I know this scripture is true! Christ lives and is our Savior. His arms of mercy are outstretched to every one of us, if we are willing to open our hearts to His message.

Sister Eyring

1 Sad goodbye to Sister Nielsen20180702_154924.jpeg
2&3 our favorite vegetarian boxed lunches 20180703_122635.jpeg20180703_122712.jpeg
4 Cute gift from the Petersons. They brought the chocolate all the way from California! 20180703_131557.jpeg
5 I started My Plan, the online program to help missionaries plan out life goals for after the mission. Can’t believe I’m at this point! 20180702_100555.jpeg
6&7 my favorite run to the memorial! 20180704_072813(0).jpeg

8 ran into Betty, a Xinzhaung member 20180626_182013.jpeg
9 pretty view on a long bike ride out to the edge of our area 20180707_164230.jpeg
10 rainy days! a typhoon is expected to hit tomorrow/Wednesday.. . We are excited! Grateful for smart phones that allow us to video call for lessons that would otherwise be canceled. 1530779363567~2.jpeg
11 visited Chen NaiNai and Li YeYe who were baptized this year. They are 86 and 94!1530764518823~2.jpeg

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