Only 2 months left?!

Hi hi hi!

I cannot believe it is June… the weeks are going by WAY too fast! Members and other missionaries are starting to remind me that I only have so long left, so I’m just trying to enjoy every moment here in this beautiful place. It is such a privilege to be here in Taiwan. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything!

Exchanges started back up again this week! Sister Swanson came up from Sanchong to be my comp for the day. She is in her 6th transfer and was actually MTC companions with my trainee Sister Austad. Sister Swanson and I had so much fun together! We sweat buckets, got caught in a downpour, and when we were stopped at a light, we found a big cockroach crawling on her foot πŸ˜‚ it was a happy day! We also had the chance to go visit a Wu JM in Tianmu. She is a friend of a member in our ward. She came to church for the first time last week! She is around 70, and told us her whole life story while we visited with her. She shared her testimony about prayer helping her through a difficult transition when she moved here from mainland China. As she was talking, the Spirit strongly testified of God’s love. She realized she’s been further from God than she should be lately, so she accepted our invitation to pray daily. She told us she will be going to China soon and will stay there until September, but she said that she knows that she wants to come back to our church someday πŸ™‚ little miracles everyday. I love it!

Quick spiritual thought, I read something that was really encouraging from Elder Holland the other night. “We may not be able to demonstrate yet the 10,000 talent perfection the Father and the Son have achieved, but it is not too much for Them to ask us to be a little more godlike in the little things, that we speak and act, love and forgive, repent and improve at least at the 100 pence level of perfection, which is clearly within our ability to do.” I love how this teaches us that we are capable of doing so much good! God has confidence in us to succeed in this mortal adventure and is so willing to help us in all of our efforts.

Have a good week!

Sister Eyring

1-4 service activity yesterday. we packaged over 2000 boxes of food for people in need1528095814390~2.jpeg




5 dinner with the cute Xu Jiating in our ward20180529_182854.jpeg

6&7 sent this picture out to all of our potential investigators, inviting them to church πŸ™‚ 20180602_122236.jpeg


8 summer means watermelon πŸ‰20180528_143621.jpeg

9-12 we taught the Relief Society how to make chocolate chip cookies! They turned out pretty good, which was a miracle seeing that the church didn’t have any measuring cups and we had to translate the recipe into Chinese πŸ˜… the sisters ended up teaching us this cool way to make the balls of cookies, using a plastic bag haha. So Taiwanese! 1527915893517~2.jpeg




13 Sister Swanson is a rockstar missionary! 20180601_113446.jpeg

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